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How to take print out from Network Printer Canon IR Adv. 4225 - please help me


Your kind attention is invited to my printing problem. In may office I
have Canon Adv. 4225 Network printer for printing purpose. No other
direct printer is connected to computer.

In order to take print out,  every body has to provide one
departmental id and password.  I have installed the Canon driver 64
bit for linux. (deb) ver. 3.7.  However, no print out.
 There is no prompt for ID and Password while giving print command
through menu. I don’t know the cause of the problem. It is seems to be
printer having authentication  problem. In windows I have to provide
department id and password for taking printout and it is working

Even after my trail and error method, I didn't able to take any
printout from  Debian Buster. The printer is a Canon IR (Image Runner)
Advance 4225 is connected to socket :\\ and port No. 9100.

In Windows I will just give in the print dialog pop up. id is 26 and
password is 4455. Priting from Printer without any problem.

The printer shows up, and I can apparently send it print jobs, and it
reports having completed them.  However, no output.

I suspect this is because the printer requires an ID and password to
print to it. E.g., when I print to the same printer from Windows,
whenever I send it a print job, a box appears requesting my ID and
password, and nothing similar pop up in  Debian Buster 64 bit (Gnome).
As found in Debian Wiki printing page, I have installed Architecture
i386 and also some 32bit files also. It shows printing completed.  No
output. I checked the status of my print out  after login into Canon
Printer. The printer log shows NG 701. (related to authentication ?).
it shows my file name of print given. No departmental ID shows as
blank.  I have provided departmental id and password through ibjnatool
-p. No use. While on root, the command cngplp launches graphic utility
, however, not able to access job accounting, The command cque also
not working.

I will be very grateful to you Sir, If I able to  take print out my
network printer. I cannot do more with my limited knowledge. i am just
ordinary user only. I have done lot of trail and error method.
However, everything vain.   I will provide access to my PC so that you
can look into my machine and make it print from  Debian buster. i
would like to make use of Linux whole day. Now every time, I have to
go back to Windows for  just printing purpose only. Every time


Thanking you


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