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Re: Netinstall grief on iMac G5

Sascha Frey wrote:
On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 15:58 +0930, Mike Hore wrote:
Hi folks,

I downloaded the netinstall iso image, burned a CD, but I can't boot off it. Am I supposed to do something else?

I already have yaboot installed, so on boot I enter "c" for a CD boot. Then I'm getting what appears to be a memory exception, then it lands me back in Open Firmware asking me to "release the keys", but it doesn't respond to the keyboard or anything, and I have to do a hard reboot.

When did you get this exception message?
Did you see a message like this: "Welcome to Debian... This is a Debian
installation CDROM"?

If yes, what did you enter at the "boot:" prompt?
Maybe you just loaded the 32bit kernel, which does not work on G5 Macs.
Try install64 or expert64.

Ah, thanks, that was the answer!!! I was getting half a screen of info, and with my previous experience of Ubuntu I just hit return at the boot: prompt instead of reading the options. Actually the correct one for me is install-power4.

This really needs to be documented in the fine Manual -- well if it is I didn't see it, but I guess I'm a bit impatient so I might have missed it.

Now to work out what CD driver package I should be using...

Cheers,  Mike.

         Mike Hore        mike_hore@aapt.net.au

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