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Re: Apple's Developer Transition Kit

Barry Hawkins wrote:

On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 11:53:32AM +0200, Colin Leroy spake thus:

Looks like hackers can get an x86 Apple machine right now, if they fork
Be aware:

1.) You have to return this unit at the end of 2006; it has not been "purchased".

2.) This is only available to Select and Premier ADC members, which is usually far from what I would call a hacker.

3.) This is a G5 chassis desktop according to the picture shown in the keynote.
I am totally confused on this, is the new mac gonna have an x86 chip in it, or is intel going to make a newly designed chip? And for people who also run the mac os (like me) by a universal binary, is that code that is not dependent on the processor, but on the os? So like it would run on either a ppc mac or the new one, as long as they have the mac os? And is this basically going to be like when mac switched from the 68k to the PowerPC Chip, where the PPC chip ran stuff from 68k, but nxot vice-versa, and there was a whole slough of "FAT" programs that ran on both?

--Mike S

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