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Re: Opendarwin with Debian

On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 17:42 -0600, Mauro wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 18:08 -0500, Benjamin Racher wrote:
> > So, I started wondering if it might be possible to use an opendarwin
> > kernel on a debian system. I've seen a couple postings about porting
> > debian to darwin, but it doesn't seem like anybody's tried it. Does
> > anybody have any experience with this, let alone know what the
> benefits
> > of running a darwin kernel might entail? Would this be a way for the
> > opensource community to get more involved in developing the kernel
> that
> > apple uses for their hardware and start to create a happier
> relationship
> > between opensource developers and Apple? Would this help convince
> Apple
> > to give us a little more leverage on getting code for developing
> > opensource ATI drivers or Airport or opening up other software to
> the
> > opensource community?
> > 
> > Just some ideas.
> > 
> > - Ben
> Get it all in writing as I'd hate to see people put a lot of effort
> for
> diminished returns.  As for the learning experience with a micro
> kernel,
> I hear there is little point to implementing a micro kernel as a
> monolithic because this setup, and I gather OS X's, doesn't take
> advantage of the idiosyncratic advantages of micro-kernels.  Or at
> least
> this is the stance of the Hurd/L4 developers.
Yeah, I really need to learn more about operating systems and the kernel
before I'd delve further down to understand what makes different kernels
better for what reasons. So what's the deal with the Pistachio kernel...
I saw that in the Debian archive. I see things in here about
pre-virtualization, and was thinking about how to approach installing
Xen for an upcoming project.

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