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[Popcon-developers] Bug#238687: Submit Debian release and subarchs

[Falk Hueffner]
> So I suggest something like the following patch. It only determines
> this information for Alpha, since I'm not sure how to get it for
> other architectures, and in particular, which categories would be
> relevant. Opinions?

Thank you for the patch.  But I do not want to teach the
popularity-contest client about all the subarchis in debian.  I would
prefer to leave this to some other package, being maintained by
someone else.  I believe there is something like this in d-i, and I
would like a patch to use it.

As for submitting the content of /etc/debian_version, we tried that
for a while, but discovered that it was useless, because of the
strange strings people place in them.

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