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Re: Configuration management / proposal

Previously Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> I agree with Ian that each machine should have only one database,
> possibly none too (think about a remote db).

Why? This is a lot less flexible imho. And it does not reduce the
complexity (read my design again).

> The DB access should be done through a program call for the packages,
> and this program could be configured in order to use a local
> or remote database.

Which my design already did.

> 2. The DB format
> Like a big multilevel hash.

That's implementation detail..

> The data consistency should be checked by the postinst scripts either by
> checking itself the data or by telling the program that read the DB the
> format the data should have.

> The simplest way would be to use a directory tree, with the filenames
> beeing keys and the contents beeing the data. 

But other formats should also be supported. This format for example is
very bad if you use ext2 as a filesystem.

> 3. The implementation in new packages
> We must add a 'config' script (or better 'preconfig') to the
> control.tar.gz archive. The preconfig should use a program
> dcfgset (his role is to ask data and store them in the database) 
> whereas the postinst script should use a dcfgget program (this
> program would look for the data in the DB and ask the user if data
> cannot be found. We can imagine that the postinst might fail if
> the install is non-interactive and data cannot be found).

This moves a lot of complexity into the config-scripts, like deciding
which questions should be asked and which should be skipped. Remember
we want to have multiple levels of interactivity.

> 4. The frontend
> It is called by the scripts themselves not by dpkg. It's better
> this way, I think. The little need of interactions can be
> managed with exit code / simple stdout values.

No: this would make it impossible to move to the next/previous pacakage.

> 5. Interaction with dpkg / backward compatibilities
> The implementation would be quite easy with my solution. dcfgget
> and dcfgset are only interfaces beetween the DB, the user and the
> install scripts.

The database should support more, for example native Debian packages
could use it directly. So we want to have  for example DBI and C
interfaces as well.

> Dpkg needs to be modified anyway in order to support
> a --pre-configure flag and possibly --non-interactive flag too.

No, the frontend should manage interactivity, it's not dpkg's job.

> 6. Packaging problems
> Since the preconfigure script and the part that is in postinst will
> be very similar (maybe just dcfgset replaced by dcfgget), a
> helper script could automate the process of writing both parts
> from only one file.

I severly doubt that.

> 7. The registry aspect
> I'm against using this configuration database as a windows-like registry.
> This db should only be used for installing packages. It is not intented
> for beeing a big configuration file for software that could access to
> it through an API.

Why not?


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