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Re: FHS - transition

cpbs@debian.org (Charles Briscoe-Smith)  wrote on 05.11.98 in <[🔎] 199811050007.AAA01274@pcsw104b.ukc.ac.uk>:

> Ian Jackson wrote:
> >You must be kidding.


> My main problems with your proposal are:


>  3) It involves deliberately invalidating dpkg's database.  It's fine
>     that dpkg is capable of following symlinks (but then, isn't every unix
>     program capable of following symlinks?), but dpkg's database records
>     the location the file would have occupied, had the symlink not been
>     there, rather than its real, physical location.  This is also fine
>     (usually) since, on the whole, these symlinks are placed there by
>     the sysadmin, and he will know to move files around appropriately
>     if he changes the symlink.

Ian, you *must* be kidding!

I recall fairly strong language from you directed at other people who lied  
to dpkg by installing via (X) compatibility symlinks, and now you are  
proposing to do the same?

How can *anyone* who is halfway familiar with dpkg seriously suggest such  
a hare-brained scheme? We *know* this breaks badly.

MfG Kai

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