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Re: Introduction And Request for Help

Hi Gregor and Mikko,

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but can I please request a new package too?

App::Session::Token / https://metacpan.org/dist/App-Session-Token/view/bin/session-token

This is a command-line interface for my Session::Token library (already packaged as libsession-token-perl).

For my everyday work-flow, it's the only package I still need to install from CPAN. I also think it would be useful for other people. If I had to suggest a package name I'd say just "session-token" (name of the bin) but anything would be fine.

Actually I tried to figure out how to do the packaging myself a while ago, but something wasn't working for me (a form URL was timing out IIRC) so I gave up.

In case it helps, I made a wish-list description:

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : session-token
  Version         : 0.102
  Upstream Author : Doug Hoyte <doug@hcsw.org>
* URL             : https://metacpan.org/dist/App-Session-Token
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : Generate session tokens, passwords, random data, and more

The session-token script is a command-line interface to the Session::Token library, packaged as libsession-token-perl. It is a flexible utility for generating random data, allowing users to specify alternate alphabets, and specify random token sizes by minimum entropy or directly by size. Multiple tokens can be output as a stream, useful in pipelines. An arbitrary seed can be provided in case deterministic output
is needed, for example in test suites.

Thank you!!


On 10/31/23 04:26, Mikko Koivunalho wrote:
Hi Gregor,

On 31 Oct 2023, at 01:21, gregor herrmann <gregoa@debian.org> wrote:

On Sat, 28 Oct 2023 10:56:46 +0200, Mikko Johannes Koivunalho wrote:

Hi All,
Hi Mikko!

I have a few packages at CPAN.
Recently, I created a package, Env::Assert
<https://metacpan.org/dist/Env-Assert> which I used at the office when
creating containers for data pipelines.
Alright :)

To make it easier to use Env::Assert in Debian containers, I would like to
package it for Debian. But I know nothing about Debian packaging, besides,
of course, using them (installing with apt or dpkg).
Can anyone help me to package Env::Assert, please?
I think the question is: What is your objective?
- If you want to learn creating Debian packages and join the Debian
  Perl Group and maintain 4000 packages -- great, we need more
- If you want to get Env::Assert into Debian, the easiest way is to
  ask us to package it :)
Yes, please!
Thank you.

If it's the latter: I just spent 2 minutes with dh-make-perl and
Env::Assert, and if I spend 5 minutes more, I can upload the package
to the archive. [0]
Have I done everything right so the packaging is as easy as possible?
Just tell me if there is anything missing.

If it's the former: Additionally to Andrius' hints we can give you
more pointers for getting into the packaging business.


[0] Although I just realize that this might be better named envassert
than libenv-assert-perl, as it's more about the binary than the
library, right?
Yes, that’s right. In this case the library is mostly a bi-product, not really meant to be used by itself.
Would it be better if Env::Assert was two separate (CPAN) packages, one for lib and one for executable?

Thank you.

Mikko Koivunalho

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