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Re: Request for review - libgd-graph-perl - v1.56

On Tue, 25 Apr 2023 13:05:14 +1200, Andrew Ruthven wrote:

> I've updated libgd-graph-perl to v1.56, can I please get it reviewed?

Yes, and sorry for the delay.

> It probably doesn't need to get into Bookworm, although that'd be nice
> because this version is a dependency for the upcoming Request Tracker
> 5.0.4 release.

As we are in deep freeze currently, both packages will have to wait
for bookworm.
> One thing I haven't done is remake the upstream tarball to remove
> samples/logo.gif which was done for the 1.54 release. Seems like a lot
> of effort to save a 2.7 kB file. However, if the preference is to
> continue to remove it, I can do that. The presence of this file does
> cause this lintian error currently:
> E: libgd-graph-perl source: source-ships-excluded-file samples/logo.gif
> [debian/copyright:8]
> I didn't want to remove the exclusion before having this reviewed.

I wonder how you manged not to exlcude the file :)
as both dpt-import-orig (and the underlying gbp-import-orig) should,
with d/watch and d/copyright, exclude samples/logo.gif and create a
15.56~ds-1 version.

I'm not totally sure why samples/logo.gif was excluded, the various
notes say "avoiding/excluding pre-generated files". Either there were
worries about license or more likely preferred form f modification,
or problems when building twice. In any case, I'd personally stick
with the exclusion.

> BTW, first time I've used the dpt tool, really nice.

I'm glad you like it; OOC: which subcommands did you use?
Ah, from looking at the commit messages it was dpt-fixup :)

I pushed some small fixes, cf. git log …

What's missing in the end is that you either add yourself to
Uploaders or add "Team upload." as the first line in d/changelog.


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