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Re: tool to install dist::zilla author deps: extend dpt or dzil ?

On Sunday, 11 December 2016 17:09:42 CET gregor herrmann wrote:
> BTW, I actually think we should teach dh-make-perl to use
> > libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl and dh-dist-zilla in the
> > situation where there's just a dist.ini and no *.PL / META.* files.
> Sounds like an interesting fallback, but out of curiosity: do we have
> examples in practice where this actually happens?

Not using CPAN tarballs.

On the other hand, all config-model upstream repo on github don't have a 
Build.PL (or an incomplete one) nor META.* (and generated files are missing).

So libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl will be useful for Debian perl 
team when a package is made from a dzil'ed upstream repo instead of CPAN 


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