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Re: Debian Games Pure Blend: Perl development task

On Mon, Sep 01, 2014 at 03:29:25PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Basically I want to answer the following questions with »games-perl-dev«:
> I want to develop games in Perl. What game related Perl software does
> Debian offer? What recommended editors or integrated development
> environments exist for Perl and are there example games written in Perl
> from which I can learn from?
> I know about frozen-bubbles and pangzero which I have both suggested as
> example games. I'm not so sure about specific editors or IDEs for Perl.

Another recent mini-game written in Perl: Games::Zumbis

> However for Java development Eclipse is very common hence I can
> recommend it with a good conscience.

Padre is marketed as the Perl IDE.

> I also know that there are Perl modules for SDL, Ogre, OIS or OpenGL but
> I might have missed another important one. If you know which one, I
> would appreciate your feedback.

Games::Zumbis is using SDL.

 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 A substitute is never as good as the genuine article.
                                    (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #67 (Epic))

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