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Re: Proper uploading etiquette

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 14:42:13 -0500, Carlo Segre wrote:

> I have been doing a bunch of uploading and am trying to follow the rules 
> as I understand them.  That is, adding my name to the "Uploaders" line. 
> My question is this, as these package get updated and uploaded again by 
> new individuals, doe it make sense to continue to add new names to the 
> "Uploaders" line without removing any?  Wouldn't it be better for te 
> individuals who touch a perticular revision of the package (making changes 
> or uploading) only to be listed?

http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/policy.html says:

"When modifying a package in the repository, you should add your name
to the Uploaders file. You should keep the names of other maintainers
who added their name before you. In other words, the Uploaders field
must be updated to contain everyone that worked on the package. The
Maintainer field must remain unchanged after the first import."

That's at least the wording of the status quo.

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