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Small issues with perl-policy, I think...

In converting libnet-perl, I've found a couple of things in the policy
that don't seem to work as advertised.

Specifically, the following two lines don't work as advertised:

find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type f -name .packlist | xargs -r rm -f
find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir -p --no-fail-on-non-empty

One problem is that the flag to rmdir is supposed to be


at least according to my copy of rmdir.

The other problem is that rmdir still seems to fail, which causes
xargs to return an error code of 123.  I added a --verbose flat to
rmdir, and got this:

find /home/mdorman/prog/libnet-perl/libnet-perl-1.0606/debian/tmp -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir --verbose -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
rmdir: removing directory, /home/mdorman/prog/libnet-perl/libnet-perl-1.0606/debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Net
rmdir: removing directory, /home/mdorman/prog/libnet-perl/libnet-perl-1.0606/debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl5/auto
rmdir: removing directory, /home/mdorman/prog/libnet-perl/libnet-perl-1.0606/debian/tmp/usr/lib/perl5
make: [binary-indep] Error 123 (ignored)

Anyone got any ideas why?


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