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Bug#868507: Re : Re : Re : Re : Bug#868507: libreoffice-writer: Crash after the last upgrade

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 07:29:06AM +0200, nicolas.patrois@gmail.com wrote:
> Le 16/07/2017 21:19:44, Rene Engelhard a écrit :
> > That was not the question. I simply don't care wether other stuff does
> > work width it. Every stuff has it's own quirks and LO uses increasingly
> > more OpenGL and I wouldn't be surprised if that exposes bugs either in LO
> > _and/or_ in the driver(s).
> Of course but when there is a conflict between X and the driver, I always saw that games like minetest or Quake crash but not LO, since yesterday maybe.
> > https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/How_to_debug
> > (which is also trivially findable by googling for "libreoffice gdb
> > backtrace")
> Here you are:

OK; that is pretty unuseful since there is no actual crash. So we need to
stick on the strace...

> X-Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
> 	Major opcode: 154
> 	Minor opcode: 5
> 	Resource ID:  0x4800019
> 	Serial No:    242 (242)
> These errors are reported asynchronously,
> set environment variable SAL_SYNCHRONIZE to 1 to help debugging
> Application Error

This seems to be the interesting part.

> I don’t know if you have enough information.

Did you try without the binary nvidia drivers?



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