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Update LibO in jessie-backports to fix slow scrolling?


Thank you very much for packaging LibreOffice for Debian!

I'm running on Jessie amd64 and have used LibO from backports since
Wheezy just fine.

Since the upgrade to 5.x, page-wise scrolling in any LibO document (most
noticeably in spreadsheets) momentarily causes Xorg to use 100% CPU for
1-2 seconds before the screen paints.

This problem does not occur in 4.3.3-2+deb8u5 from jessie/stable.

I tested with the x64 DEBs from LibreOffice.org directly and the
problem occurs there too. But I also tried the v5.2.1.2 x64 DEBs from
the LibO site and that works correctly.

So what is the chance the version of LibO in Jessie-backports could be
upgraded soon?

Thank you again very much for your time and work!

Sean M. Pappalardo

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