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RFP: ppsei -- extract images from Microsoft PowerPoint Documents (PPS/PPT)

>>>>> "RF" == Romain Francoise <romain@orebokech.com> writes:
RF> You don't need to become a Debian Developer if you just want to
RF> maintain a single package, you can simply create the package and
RF> find a sponsor (an existing Debian Developer) who has an interest in
RF> the software and is willing to upload it to the archive for you.

I see. I'll CC all the powerpoint related packages I know of to see if
anybody's interested in helping
  RFP: ppsei -- extract images from Microsoft PowerPoint Documents (PPS/PPT)
get into Debian. I can (learn to make, and then) provide the archive, if
necessary. Thanks.

RF> The sponsor takes responsibility for the quality of the package and
RF> becomes your "mentor", so it had better be someone you have a good
RF> working relationship with.

RF> The next step for people who have been maintaining packages through
RF> sponsoring for some time is to apply for Debian Maintainer status
RF> and get direct archive access for their packages, but it requires
RF> having a key signed by one or more Debian Developers.

(That reminds me, I got "gnuemacs" into their internal "exptools" at
Bell Labs ~1991, though I had two henchmen do the actual maintaining.)

RF> Debian Developer status is the last step: being granted access to
RF> the whole archive, the Debian servers, etc.  This requires going
RF> through the NM process, which can take from 3 days to 3 years
RF> depending on circumstances.

I see, well no need for fumblefingers me to get that far. OK, thanks.

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