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Bug#354895: Some of the problems are caused by openoffice.org-gcj

Hi again,

here's some further investigation:

With openoffice.org-gcj installed none of the following wizards starts with 
whatever JRE: 

	From Writer: letter, fax, agenda, web page (presentation works!)
	From Base: Create Table, Create Form, Create Report
After removing openoffice.org-gcj some of the wizards start with some JREs but 
not without issues:

FSF 1.4.2:
Writer: The agenda wizard crashes OOo: It doesn' t react to any input anymore, 
you can't quit from OOo. The other wizards seem to work fine.

Base: Form wizard can't be finished (as in the original bug report). The other 
wizards are working.

Sun 1.4.2_11, Sun 1.5.0_06, and Blackdown 1.4.2-03:

Writer: The agenda wizard crashes OOo in a similar way as FSF 1.4.2, but you 
can still input text into writer; you can't exit OOo. The other wizards seem 
to work fine.

Base: The report and table wizards work. Query and form wizards don't start.

I hope this helps to find what's wrong.

Kind regards,




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