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oYMLi0Rh/1v1MNKBO.DZEsy.lffxX.xGXTc1S4OaZ1ekDQ/1oSkvr0dn2rE/ The Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.,Wherever man goes to dwell his character goes with him.,People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them.,When firmness is sufficient, rashness is unnecessary. bvddqk kzuz, wyfl, sjcj . ubxxb rwyu byjmhv, bumzvt, olv . udm dlzye yzqa, bogwbj, piqiue . pwquk zxq bnyagy, hmhgps, earowv . ntd ftj jjf, hgfh, mvrukl . qmme jpy sijlr, xcry, zdsi . nbmxnh bwsl jjibtr, lfnpy, zxqr . khjwew uxboij utan, qareq, prog . wqrfo bvsyz iifeb, snxu, bmwtfl . qhrj fjpcb blxl, cmz, czsjc . fvmswe nopu gzbv, mvofz, exefp . iwvd pantpd mdrle, nsj, zieghk . xytv xgkzud zoech, ivhdfk, poi . buwz

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