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openoffice 1.0.1-1 failure on debian ppc sid

   Has anyone managed to run the new openoffice 1.0.1-1
packages for ppc on debian sid? I am seeing exactly the
same failure I saw a couple of weeks back when rc3 got
partially rebuilt. At that time the orginal rc3 packages
for oo 1.0.1, built on July 14th worked fine. The second
rebuild of rc3 (which only got the non-binary part posted)
seems to revolve around this change as best I can tell...


That is all I could find to indicate why rc3 got rebuilt (with
a version bump which was most annoying). From that point
openoffice failed to run properly here with an unexpected quit
after the splash screen appears. I see the same exact behavior
with oo 1.0.1-1. Note that if I regress to the oo 1.0.1-rc3
packages built on July 14th then everything runs fine.
   Again has any debian ppc sid users managed to run either the
second rebuild of oo 1.0.1-rc3 or 1.0.1-1 with out it crashing?
Thanks in advance for any hints.

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