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Bug#965248: ocamlmklib: Assumes `ld` and provides no override

Package: ocaml-nox
Version: 4.05.0-11

OCAML is a major cross-building problem.

Appears ocamlmklib is executing `ocamlc` to do compiling/linking.  The
man page for `ocamlc` states:

       -cc ccomp
              Use ccomp as the C linker when linking in "custom runtime"  mode
              (see  the -custom option) and as the C compiler for compiling .c
              source files.

Yet despite this it appears `ocamlc` is directly calling `ld` and this
option doesn't change that behavior.  `ocamlc` likely also needs a -ld
option to override the linker choice.

Ideally ocamlc would also try the target triplet -cc/-ld before trying
bare `cc` or `ld`.  Mainly try `x86_64-linux-gnu-cc` before `cc` and
`x86_64-linux-gnu-ld` before `ld`.

Further `ocamlmklib` and likely nearly every other ocaml-nox executable
needs options to propogate values to these `ocamlc` options.

Additionally `ocamlc -verbose` provided basically no useful information
to figure out what commands were being run behind the scenes.

ocaml-nox badly needs some work to allow for cross-building of packages
which use OCAML.

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 \BS (    |         ehem+sigmsg@m5p.com  PGP 87145445         |    )   /
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