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Re: [MY CRAWLING] NM process

On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 10:08:25AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> BTW, i was asking this, because i felt like writing someone a little
> mail telling about how helpfull and valuable Sylvain has been, and why
> its NM process is not advancing or something such. Do you think that
> would help ?

I am thinking about it since last week or so. I'm still in doubt if
doing it or not. I'm the advocate of Sylvain and I think I'm the right
person to do it, but still I fear it wont help or worst ... Any opinion
on this? Jerome? You seem to be very practice in debian gossip ... :)


^Stefano Zacchiroli -- Master in Computer Science @ Uni. Bologna, Italy$
^zack@{cs.unibo.it,debian.org,bononia.it} -- http://www.bononia.it/zack$
^Frequentando il mio maestro mi ero reso conto [.] che la logica poteva$
^servire a molto a condizione di entrarci dentro e poi di uscirne -Adso$

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