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Re: Hi, packaging mldonkey, rpath + other questions

Sven LUTHER <luther@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 10:09:50AM +0200, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm packaging mldonkey and on debian-mentors it was suggested to join
> > this ML. So here I am.
> > 
> > And of cause I have questions:
> > 
> > 1. lintian complains about rpath being set. How do I tell ocamlopt to
> > not use rpath?
> You do not, you could use an lintian override to avoid the waring
> though.
> Upstream choose to use rpath, and when i asked on d-m, a huge flameware
> about the usage of rpath followed, which didn't give me a conclusive
> answer in any direction. Upstream mostly ignored my question (well they
> responded, but they like rpath).

The problem with rpath, as far as I gathered from various falmes, is
that you depend on the library your build with. Slight changes of the
libraries make the binary unusable, like moving the library or version
changes. Without rpath it still find the library.

> > 2. mldonkey uses ocamlopt.opt but ocamlopt works as well. Which of the
> > two should I use? Should I build-depend on eigther or conflict with
> > one?
> You should build depend on ocaml-best-compilers, and do a test for the
> presence of ocamlopt.opt before using it.
> Make sure you have a fallback to use bytecode (ocamlc) if ocamlopt is
> not present, or you will get _plenty_ of bug report, as your package
> will _not_ build on m68k, hppa, mips, mipsel and maybe some other i am
> missing.

When I do "make byte" I still get an elf binary. Is there a way to
make a binary-all ocaml program? Since its bytecode it seems like a
big waste to have the same bytecode for every arch.

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