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Re: Ping for DAM, DAM is MIA? Mail alias broken?

On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 05:26:17PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Jamin W. Collins (jcollins@asgardsrealm.net) [030825 17:19]:
> > I'm pretty sure Goswin already knows that he's not the only one
> > waiting.  The point is that DAM has been extremely unresponsive to
> > queries regarding the lack of movement/processing of those awaiting
> > DAM approval in the NM queue.  As such, this is (IMHO) pertinent to
> > both the -devel and -newmaint lists.
> As the situation is I interpret Goswins mail as a cry for help. A cry
> for help is often disturbing, but not pertinent. 

It's pertinent in that it's a problem with the "awaiting DAM approval"
stage of the becoming a Debian Developer.  This is problem that effects
those applying to become a new maintainer (-newmaint) and with a process
of the Debian project (-devel).

> It seems to me that Goswin really doesn't know what to do to at least
> get wise why his application is not getting farther. i

It's a problem that a number of people awaiting DAM approval face.  Why?
Simple.  Lack of information from the DAM regarding what is necessary or
the status of one's application.  It's been stated several times on the

> According to his status page he sits in this situation since
> 2000-01-27, and that's really far too long.

Agreed.  And what should he do about it?  Simply sit quietly and wait?
That seems to have got his process restarted last time.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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