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Re: impromptu IRC meeting

On Sun 16 Dec 2012 09:03:14 Paul Wise escribió:
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Neil Jerram wrote:
> > Is that a real problem, from a Debian point of view?  Aren't we entering
> > a phase of multiple display management choices anyway, with Wayland
> > coming along?  I would have thought that direct framebuffer access, with
> > a complementary window management model, was an equally valid choice as
> > using either X or Wayland.
> For Debian thats fine, for me personally there are too many apps and
> toolkits that don't support anything other than X11. GTK+ for instance
> has dropped DirectFB support.

In the case of Qt4, and if I'm not mistaken, frambebuffer support would mean a 
parallel build of Qt. Doesn't sounds too promising :-/

"Los promotores del software privativo demonizan algo tan básico y ético como
el hecho de compartir imponiendo términos como el de 'pirata'. Equiparan
ayudar al prójimo con atacar barcos. Cuando me preguntan qué pienso de la
piratería musical e informática digo que atacar barcos es muy malo y,
que yo sepa, los piratas no usan computadoras.”
  Richard Stallman, 05/11/2008, anexo de la Cámara de Diputados, Argentina

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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