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Re: I'm novice

> I need Linux on my SGI, but I not found ready Linux
> distribution for it. How current state port of Debian
> to SGI? How can I help you (in my little strong) to do? 

There is a port of Redhat 5.2 to the SGI mips machines, such as the Indy, and
I think Debian supports it.  The install requires you have an NFS server to
do the install from, and IRIX loaded on the machine (on a seperate drive or
partition) to copy the kernel onto cause the PROM boot loader only knows
about IRIX filesystems.

I am going to try that first and see if I can upgrade various packages from
Debian since the redhat distro is fairly well documented (and I already
downloaded it).  Look on www.sgi.com for the linux stuff, and you should be
able to find the section on linux on mips hardware from there site.

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