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Bug#1053478: RFS: angband/4.2.5+dfsg-1 -- roguelike game

Thank you very much for taking more time to make these further changes. I appreciate your continued assistance to bring this updated package into Debian.

I confirm that I did check all the source files for copyrights, and created the update-thanks.patch to add the missing ones (and I have offered that patch upstream). I did find Panneton and L'Ecuyer in z-rand.c - you can see them in the patch. I missed Matsumoto as he's on another line and I only used one line of context - I will add him so that this separate treatment of z-rand.c is not needed. I will do another check to see if I have missed any others on additional lines. 

I had not checked files outside src/, as most of them have not changed since 3.5.1 and I was therefore not expecting to need additional detail in d/copyright that was not needed in any previously uploaded versions. So I missed the separate licenses in angband.metainfo.xml (which is quite new) and in the buildsys files and manpage and install.sh (which are all ancient). I note that we don't spell out the full CC0-1.0 license because it is available in /usr/share/common-licenses - can I do the same for GPL-2? 

I am slightly uncomfortable with your commit 9df0a35e, because it is incorrect to assume that the only contributors to an Angband source file are those named in it. This is why I prefer the method of referring to thanks.rst - I strongly suspect that several of those thanked have contributed to those BSD-2-clause-licensed files over the years. Are you content for me to revert this commit (and add a reference to thanks.rst)? 

That just leaves the vexing problem of the fonts. Again, these are the same font files (with the exception of the 16x16 fonts, which are newer) that have been included in every previous version of Angband since I took over in 2009, all of which were DFSG-compliant (hence my claim in the lintian overrides). So I am at a loss as to how or why to do this. I did not even know that .fon files were not 'source' and are in fact compiled from .fnt files (as you note in your commit). I do not know enough about how fonts are managed in Debian to know if the package needs to ship its own font files or can use fonts from other packages, though I am happy to experiment. I will ask Nick if upstream has any residual knowledge of whether the source files can be found.

(The 16x16 fonts have been added since angband moved to git, so the creator can be contacted and the licence clarified.)

I will be back in touch when I have a proposal re fonts. Thanks again,


From: Bastian Germann <bage@debian.org>
Sent: 10 October 2023 9:16 PM
To: Chris Carr <rantingman@gmail.com>
Cc: 1053478-submitter@bugs.debian.org <1053478-submitter@bugs.debian.org>; Nick McConnell <nckmccnnll@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Bug#1053478: RFS: angband/4.2.5+dfsg-1 -- roguelike game
Am 10.10.23 um 19:05 schrieb Chris Carr:
> Or perhaps not. With many thanks to Nick for promptly committing the fix-licence patch, I think I
> have done as you request: I have referenced the commit in the patch, and updated d/copyright to
> include the full license and list the files that use it. Maybe we are good to go now?

Almost. Please have a look at the changes that I have made.
I suspect you did not check for Copyright info that is not in the thanks document because I have
easily found one (now in d/copyright) that is not. Please take the time for that and confirm that
you did.

The lib/fonts have at least one problem: They are not built from source.
If we do not need them in Debian, please remove them. Else, please figure out if the sources can be
found (I know they are old) and please give me a hint why the lintian override's claim was that
"they are DFSG-free". I can find "Public domain font" statements in 9 of them but some of them have
an unspecific "Freeware" statement or no license claim at all.

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