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Bug#1021364: RFS: ghostwriter/2.2.0-1 [RC] -- Distraction-free, themeable Markdown editor

Good evening;

I set build dependency in debian/control file "node-react" and "libs-mathjax". For now and to test if the package builds well, I removed the 3rdparty/MathJax/ and 3rdparty/react/ sources. It builds and works well that way. What would be best next, remove those two folders from sources, leave them but ignore them, or whatever? How should I do the thing?


Le lun. 10 oct. 2022 à 17:30, Sebastien CHAVAUX <seb95.scou@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hello, Thank you for the advice, precisely I'm curious, I would be interested in replacing all his "needs" of the "3rdparty" file by what is available in the Debian repositories, is this possible? How should I go about it? I just have to name them in the debian/control file as "Build-Depends"?

Le 08/10/2022 à 20:47, Bastian Germann a écrit :
Yes, everything is from the upstream tarball.
The files that lintian complains about are "uglified" _javascript_ files which we do not accept as source in Debian.

For the 3rdparty/MathJax/bin/* files, there seem to be source files in 3rdparty/MathJax/src/*. Have you tried to build that 3rdparty/MathJax/bin/* directory yourself and have you checked out if you can replace the whole whing with libjs-mathjax?

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