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Re: Preference for build or debhelper installing systemd unit files?

Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net> writes:
>> My question, in the case where the same organization/people are
>> responsible for both the software and the debian packaging, is whether 
>> there is a preference of which method is used.

> If you are (working on/with) upstream and doing the packaging, I believe
> making the upstream build system install the systemd file correctly is
> preferred.  The primary motivation being that the service file is then
> also installed when:
>  * packaging is done for another non-Debian-based distribution
>    (possibly done by volunteers outside your organization).
>  * an end users wants to compile from source (on a non-Debian-based
>    system).
> (The argument here is not limited to systemd service files as debhelper
> have other tools with similar functionality)

Thanks Niels.

The packages currently do it this way, so it turns out nothing needs to


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