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Purge of replaced packages


I have an issue with the renaming of a binary package A -> B that we use internally (actually, it's another flavour of the same software).
In B, I added the following deps:
 Provides: A
 Conflicts: A
 Replaces: A

'apt-get install B' removes A, but the issue is that A's postrm is still there and 'dpkg -P postrm' calls 'A.postrm purge': in my case, it deletes parts used by B.

With the above fields, I expected that B would take over A completely, and 'apt-get install B' would "purge" A without actually calling 'A.postrm purge'

Shipping a dummy A package is too much work and not user-friendly.
As a workaround, B scripts could remove/alter A.postrm but it looks so ugly that I doubt such practice would be accepted in official Debian repositories.


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