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Re: An Analysis of the RFS Process

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Dave Steele wrote:

> I was curious about the current efficacy of the BTS-based RFS process,
> and so created some charts[1] to provide visibility.

Interesting stuff, some thoughts...

If you plan to continue running these charts, please add some links to
them on this wiki page:


At some point it might be interesting to merge them into the
mentors.debian.net code.

Your conclusions are similar to what we know already anecdotally. The
problem is and always has been how to get existing members of Debian
to be interested in sponsoring and mentoring instead of doing their
own work. At DebConf13 the DPL mentioned what tends to work right now
and there were a couple of other mentoring related events,
unfortunately the BoF was not recorded but I think there might be
notes in gobby.debian.org.




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