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Re: ITA or ITP, for former Debian packages?

On 23 May 2007 03:45:44 -0700
"Robert J. Clay" <rjclay@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
>    There are (at least) a couple of programs that used to be in
> Debian that I would like to get back in.  One was dropped from Etch &
> the other was dropped from Sarge...  I've already started work on one
> of them...
>    Which should I use to announce my intentions?  ITA or ITP?  (Or
> something else?)

If the package is in Debian and orphaned: ITA
If the package is not in Debian (whether it ever was before or not): ITP.

In your case, I think your ITP should explain why the package should be
reintroduced because packages aren't removed without due cause and you
would need to show that not only have those issues been fixed but that
if similar issues arise, you are able and willing to fix those too.


Neil Williams

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