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Re: RFC on tuned version of Ogg Vorbis

On 2/21/07, Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org> wrote:
Rogério Brito wrote:
> Anyway, I'm looking for comments on some tuned Ogg Vorbis packages
> (Aoyumi Tuned Vorbis encoder), packaged by Mike Gan, from
> rarewares.org.

rarewares.org implies, that there is something wrong with these
packages. do they break copyrights or patents? Maybe they are a
candidate for http://alioth.debian.org/projects/restricted/

According to http://rarewares.org/faq.html they keep the site as warez
free as possible. Not sure about patents though, although Vorbis
should be pretty safe.
Andrew Donnellan
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