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Re: How to detect if Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail is installed

John Price <jp_debian-mentors@gcfl.net> writes:

> I'm considering packaging TPC from http://www.tpc.int, and it
> requires configuring the MTA to accept email to specific
> domain names.  Needless to say, it's a fairly complicated
> mail server configuration.
> In this case, should the package just document what the use
> should do (it will be different for each MTA) or at least
> detect which MTA is installed and copy an example config file
> in the correct place for whichever MTA is installed?

You can either
- distribute example files for different MTAs in
  /usr/share/doc/tpc/examples and a README.Debian that gives hints how
  to use them
- or use debconf to ask the user what he wants/uses and then configure
  that one.
- or use things like /etc/postfix/main.cf -> postfix,
  /path/to/something/else -> another one

For this package *I* would go with the first one.

bye Joerg
<maxx> Aqua mach mal man brain....
<Aquariophile> maxx: schon probiert das gibts ned

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