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signature check failed on .changes file

Okay, I'm a brand spanking new maintainer, and I have (AFAIK) followed
the New Maintainer's Guide on how to create and upload a package.  So
after I do the dupload step, I get this email:


PGP/GnuPG signature check failed on gforth_0.4.0-4_i386.changes
ERROR: Header line added to ASCII armor: "Hash: SHA1"
ASCII armor corrupted.

Error: Transport armor stripping failed for file pgptemp.$00

For a usage summary, type:  pgp -h
For more detailed help, consult the PGP User's Guide.
gpg: Signature made Sat Aug  5 12:18:17 2000 EDT using DSA key ID 15F8D511
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
(Exit status 2)
gforth_0.4.0-4_i386.changes has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!
Removing gforth_0.4.0-4_i386.changes, but keeping its associated files for now.


When I examine the signed .changes file, sure enough, the first few lines 
look like this:

2 Hash: SHA1

(Line numbers added by me, of course.)

So what's the deal?  Is there a gpg option I need to set in my
~/.gnupg/options file, and if so, where is it documented?  Feel free to
tell me to RTFM, as long as you tell me which FM to R.


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