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Re: Unidentified subject!

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Sanjeev Gupta wrote:

> I am starting off on packaging some .debs for programs I have installed in
> my /usr/local .  I am hitting a stopper due to conflicting documentation  
> on debmake, debhelper, etc, and confusion on which is better.  Mr Will    
> Lowe's documentation at Developer's Corner at debian seems out-of-date.   

The docs are very poor to say the least. I think that coding is important
but docs are as well. Nobody can use a undocumented piece of code
unless they read the source and usually by the time you understand the
code you could've written an equivalent piece of software yourself. :<

It's pretty good but there needs to be an advanced section.

I think debhelper is being maintained and debmake isn't or something
like that.

> The package I am currently looking at is cheops, single binary, with files
> in lib and share.  Once started, I can package for the two architectures I
> have, i386 and sparc.
> Also, a pointer to PGP (insofar as required to sign packages) would be
> appreciated.

There was a faq posted by krooger@debian.org awhile ago, I lost the
url. Try the Debian Weekly news(it was in there):

| R Garth Wood                    | Making waves...                     | 
| Stormix Technologies Inc.       |                                     | 
| rgwood@stormix.com              |                                     |

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