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Re: libcifpp updated, new soname, review requested

Hi Maarten,

Nevermind the below, it looks like I read the diff the wrong way
>  1. The two following files have been introduced in version 5.2
>     and would need dedicated entries in d/copyright since they
>     declare being licensed under Boost Software License 1.0
>     (careful not to make a single paragraph, as copyright
>     holders are not exactly the same, although a concatenation
>     of holders of both files may be tolerable):
>         cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake
>         cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in
>  2. The holder of the following file went back in time in 2021,
>     but the stamp in d/copyright doesn't go as far in the past:
>         cmake/VersionString.cmake
>     Reading further, these go as far as 2020:
>         include/cif++/pdb/pdb2cif.hpp
>         include/cif++/utilities.hpp
>         src/pdb/pdb2cif_remark_3.hpp
>     So it might be worth extending the range of dates for all
>     files to 2020-2023 to be on the safe side in my opinion.

I will let things rest a bit for now, and will redo the
review again later when I will be better focused.  In the
meantime, this request is open for review.

Sorry for the confusion,
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/4, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Marillion - Estonia

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