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Re: How to check ? Re: RFS -- autopkgtests for dcmtk

Hello everyone

On 9/28/22 17:57, Nilesh Patra wrote:

In this case it might make sense to remove the "-e" to make the script posix compliant, since I do not
particularly see the need to enable backslash interpretation.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.This definitely helped me understand the situation here. Apologies from my side for causing this. This was a mistake from my part.I never used to include this when appending checksums since it was not needed, seems this was an exception to that. Doing a quick search[1] on codesearch.d.n reveals that this is the only package that would cause this trouble. So this may not be a trouble with other Med packages.I think a lintian warning as suggested by Andreas would be a good approach to avoid such cases in future.

[1] - https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=-e.*checksums+path%3Adebian%2Ftests%2Frun-unit-test&literal=0

Thanks & Regards
Mohd Bilal

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