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Re: Bug#962675: can cdbfasta be marked Multi-Arch: foreign?

Hi Helmut,

On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 06:53:04AM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> > Getting in touch with you and the Debian Med mailing list since the
> > answer is not clear to me.
> So can you give some more background about the file formats involved?
> As far as I can see, those FASTA files are always textual. Is that
> correct?


> It doesn't seem likely that anything architetcure-specific
> would be found inside them. To the contrary, it seems like FASTA is an
> exchange format. Is that also correct?

As far as I know yes.
> The output files of cdbfasta are binary. The README on github[1] says:
> | The index files are now architecture independent, the same index file can be
> | created and used on many  different Unix platform (be it 32bit/64bit,
> | big-endian or little-endian architectures) and even Windows.
> Is the cdbfasta in Debian recent enough to be covered by this? Does a
> recent cdbfasta allow working with old, architecture-specific index
> files created from earlier releases?
> Is there any other way of interacting with cdbfasta or cdbyank where the
> processor architecture would matter?

I have no idea about these questions.
> [1] https://github.com/gpertea/cdbfasta, maybe updating the homepage of
>     cdbfasta to this would be good? The sourceforge page isn't that
>     helpful.

I've updated Git and will check later.  May be droping the outdated
code copy of gclib by the Debian packaged version will solve the issue
you observed.

Kind regards



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