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[GSoC] Re: Help with the package medicalterms

Hey Samyak,

this is a kind reminder to always write to always write to the mailing
list since we are a team where we ty to pool our knowledge.  So the list
is in CC - in general we do not even CC the original poster but write to
the list only expecting that all involved people are subscribed.

Ideally for GSoC is to add this tag into the subject.  But its fine for
you as a beginner if you are not used to this habit and there is no
problem if you might forget from time to time.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 12:02:34AM +0530, Samyak Jain wrote:
> Hey again;
> I took the package `medicalterms` from the list. I checked tracker
> page for medicalterms package it has two binaries;
> I added the debian/tests/* directory, But I'm really not sure about
> how to write a run-unit-test for the same. Also, I wasn't able to find
> complete documentation. Can you give me some pointers?

Well, the thing is unfortunately:  I do not know myself.  I'm not a user
of this package and have no really good idea how to use it.  Well, it
has some hunspell input data.  So may be writing a text with
misspellings run it to hunspell and if its detecting the error this
could be a sensible test.  But its a dictionary of *German* medical
terms.  So if you do not speak German this package is probably not
really your friend.
> Also, I started working on the package thesias but found out it is a
> tool with GUI only.

Ahh, if its GUI only its lacking Debtags.  The easiest way to fix this
is to go to the according tasks page:


There you find a yellow button (yellow means there is some work to do)
saying: "Go tagging".  Just do this tagging (and ask here in case of
doubt - simply leave out tags if you have no idea is fine.)  The list
that is generated for the missing autopkgtest is leaving out the
GUI only packages and is spotting these by DebTags.

> Is it possible to write autopkgtest for GUI tools,
> if yes, how?

There are tools doing this but I have no practical experience and can
not answer this question.
> Can you please guide me on both the issues?

Seems the guidance for medical terms is a:  Please pick another
package and for the latter simply add DebTags to remove it from our
list of candidates.  May be you have a look at a package out of
this list:


and prefer whatever you might consider using yourself.

Hope this helps



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