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Greetings for debian-med GSoC 2020

Hi team \o,

My name is Sao I Kuan and I am a Master student at Pukyong National
University majoring in Computer Engineering. My research field is
related with recommendation system for health care and Biomedical
data. Since I worked with Ubuntu for my data distribution experiment,
I have started paying more attention on Debian and libraries. I am
used to do my research with the fully distributed clusters using
Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and other FOSS software.

I am going to add autopkgtests for "python-tinyalign"[1] for
understanding the workflow of the Debian project of GSoC 2020[2].

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-tinyalign
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2020/Projects#SummerOfCode2020.2FUnApprovedProjects.2FDebianMedQA.Quality_Assurance_and_Continuous_integration_for_applications_in_life_sciences_and_medicine

I am so excited to be an applicant of this project and looking forward
to the new experience from here.


Sao I Kuan

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