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Re: [MoM] Re: kmer-tools

Hi, Andreas,

On الجمعـة  8 أيار 2015 00:28, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Afif,

On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 11:07:14PM -0700, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
Here are the next steps I see:

- Remove convenience copies of packaged dependencies (via
get-orig-source) and modify the build system (using quilt patches)
to use existing Debian packages for them

I did this for kazlib. The other dependency seems to be a strange case. It is mt19937ar[1] (I'm not 100% if this is the correct link, but I believe it is), which I thought was in Debian as the package libghc-mersenne-random-dev [2], but that looks to be a different implementation. I still need to look into this more, but if you know anything offhand about this kind of situation, that would help speed things up for me. In the kmer upstream source, it is the directory libutil/mt19937ar.

Also, for quilt, I saw in the group policy to add some rules for quilt:

include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make

build: patch build-stamp
build-stamp: configure

clean: clean-patched unpatch

Am I supposed to add quilt as a build-dependency? Without these lines, the build seems to work properly. I see that the patches get applied appropriately before compilation. After adding the lines, my build failed because /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make didn't exist...because quilt was not installed by pbuilder.

- Modify build system to make shared libraries rather than static
ones. (Maybe this is lower priority)

Great.  I see you are perfectly on track with the packaging
requirements.  That's a pleasure for me as a mentor since I have not
much to do. ;-)


- Separate files into their proper binary packages

Makes sense as discussed previously.

I should be done with this for now.

- Make man pages

Perfect.  I guess you know helpful tools like help2man, ronn, pod2man
etc - whatever might seem to be helpfull for you.

Am I missing anything else? I think I would be all done after those steps.

Yes, looks good.  Make sure you check with lintian which currently
clames some dh_make templates (did I said I don't like dh_make? ;-)).

I kept those templates around in case I may need them later, but I have in mind to delete them if I finish the package without using them.

But most seems on your todolist so I'll just stay tuned until you come
up with further problems.

I haven't started investigating all of these things yet. I've only
read about how to make the man pages (with override_dh_installman
and the createmanpages script that was in the packaging-template)
and how to divide the files up by binary package.

This createmanpages script (template!) is something I used to get some
static manpages and edit them later if needed.  If you consider the
result as OK it is fine to call this (adapted!) script inside
override_dh_installman.  You can also have a look in the rules file of
the last-align package[1] which does something like createmanpages right
in debian/rules which was OK for this case.

Thanks for the link. I was thinking more along the lines of using help2man's feature of taking include files (*.h2m) in order to generate everything within debian/rules in fewer lines, but it's very helpful to see other ways of doing it.

Feel free to keep on asking here but as far as I see you will have not
much trouble packaging this.

Yes, the end of this is in sight at this point.

Thanks for your effort

And thank you for your help. Your links have saved me a lot of time hunting for good examples.


1. http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/MT2002/emt19937ar.html
2. https://packages.debian.org/sid/libghc-mersenne-random-dev
3. https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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