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Re: SVN -> GIT mass conversion

>>>>> "A" == Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> writes:

    >> Sorry, I don't get it. How exactly are these 2 files supposed to
    >> be used?

    A> Its only one file the authors file explained here:

    A>    https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Create_the_author_file

    A> Charles suggested to commit this authors file at some place where
    A> it can easily be maintained.
Ah, OK, got you. I've also added an authors convert script in our
conversion process that converts a username not found in the authors file
to a git author "username <username@debian.org>". This will obviously
not be correct in all circumstances, but on the other hand, it won't have
any negative consequences either. Since the authors list is pretty long
and probably close to complete), these cases will be rather rare anyway.

Here is the first list of packages, we'll convert:

Task Bio:

Task NGS:
maq, velvet, last-align, ssake, kissplice

Task Phylo:
hmmer, dialign, probcons, poa, proda

fasttree is a special case I will write a separate mail about later.



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