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Re: Versioning of flexbar

Hi Johannes,

On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 06:38:26PM +0000, Johannes.Roehr@mdc-berlin.de wrote:
> thank you to explain all that to me! It's great that you will
> use an epoch for the next release of Flexbar, making the
> prefered scheme possible. I will keep you informed about
> the upcoming version.

> Renaming old releases is really not a good idea. I will just
> leave them unchanged and perhaps inform on sourceforge.
> Understand that no magic helps here ;)

Yep, that's fine for me.

> Let me know if I can do something about the failed i386 and
> armhf builds of flexbar. I received a mail for each of them.

Well, that's my fault.  Flexbar needs to build-depend from
seqan-dev >= 1.4.1 and at these architectures seqan-dev remained
at 1.3.4 (which is a different issue since the seqan build needs
a real lot of memory and I just asked for help whether there are
some chances to get this somehow working).  I uploaded a fixed
package with the versioned Build-Depends which leads to the
consequence that the package is also not builded - but this makes
sense here.

BTW, you did not said anything about the tests shipped with felxbar.
I hope my hints + the patch were helpful to you.

Kind regards



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