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Re: libgwt for biomaj

Olivier Sallou wrote:
> unfortunatly, GWT is not my only concern.
> This is the first one, but there is also SmartGWT which has many
> dependencies (GWT Tools and others...)

Right, it looks like it won't be your only problem :)

> Though, independently from GWT link for Biomaj, I could help maintaining
> it in the future.

About GWT2.2, I CCed James Page who took over maintenance of Eucalyptus
Java deps when I left Canonical. James, I seem to remember new versions
of Eucalyptus would depend on GWT2 and that we would have to package
that. Is that still true ?

> Le 2/17/11 12:58 PM, Steffen Möller a écrit :
>> On 02/16/2011 06:00 PM, Scott Christley wrote:
>>> The web interface will have togo to non-free 'cause it depends on
>>> several GWT libraries which are not packaged for Debian so we need to
>>> provide the Jar files with the softs.
>> I once sponsored backported core gwt packages from Ubuntu to Debian.
>> They are most likely in the pkg-eucalyptus repository. I'd
>> need to investigate. I put the original maintainer Thierry on the CC,
>> who might (but fairly likely may not) be interested in a
>> respective update to the 2.2. version of the GWT.
>> Olivier, what parts of the GWT are you using? And, if we can produce
>> the jars within Debian/Ubuntu, and if can build packages for
>> it, would you then possibly prepared to maintain that GWT-2.2 package?
>> I'd prepare myself (in sync with Thierry) a respective
>> update for the GWT-1.6 currently in the archive to not break existing
>> installations too much.
>> Many greetings
>> Steffen

Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Ubuntu core developer

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