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Re: Packaging with Git

Am Mittwoch, den 10.12.2008, 00:12 +0100 schrieb David Paleino:
> Well, I'm patching john (a piece of software out there since 15 years, or so)
> because upstream doesn't want to include the patches... but provides them in
> his homepage.

I'm not sure if this is a sane thing to do from upstream, but that's a
different matter...

> So, if I chose git, I would need to split out 17 (or $n) branches everytime
> upstream makes a new release?

Yes, you probably would. As said, it may sound scary but it really is
not. It's one of the things TopGit tries to solve (for you). It should
not be much of a deal.

In any case, your package seems to be very interesting since it does not
reflect the typical situation when dealing with upstream sources. I hope
to find some time soon to have a closer look at it. It might be a good
example to learn to understand how this can fit in the currently
proposed workflows; maybe it's even a base for a new one. Thanks for
pointing it to me!

> That's not a problem, at least not in Debian-scope. We have
> <http://patch-tracking.debian.net>, and if you're smart enough not to make a
> big 00-fix_package.patch, but do different patches (like the 17 I was talking
> about [0]), other developers can easily cherry-pick the changes (even from a
> SVN interface!) ;)

As said, it has the problem that the patches are flattened and maybe
inter-dependant, without any chance to nice this from mere looking at
it. As nice as p-t.d.n is, it is no substitution for a VCS. Or are the
patches really distinct? If yes, how is this achieved?

> I believe I'll start "trying to use" git more seriously, also just as a test
> (i.e. doing an hello.c, trying changes, diff, patchsets, and all the features
> you mentioned)

And I'll probably have a look at john, it seems interesting! Based on a
conversation with Andreas I'll try to write a proposal for a workflow on
packaging with Git for the Debian Science scope. I guess this could
easily be adopted by interested Debian Med people. If anyone is
interested in working on this, please feel free to join the effort.

Since Git lets one do pretty much everything you want, this will of
course just be a proposal; work-flows are pretty much person-dependant.
But I'm hopeful that there is one that fits the most common cases.

> Thank you for contributing to the thread,

Thanks to you too!

Best regards

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