debian-lts-announce Nov 2018 by subject

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[SECURITY] [DLA 1562-2] poppler security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1563-1] tzdata new upstream version [SECURITY] [DLA 1564-1] mono security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1565-1] glusterfs security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1566-1] mysql-5.5 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1567-1] gthumb security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1568-1] curl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1569-1] libdatetime-timezone-perl new upstream release [SECURITY] [DLA 1569-2] libdatetime-timezone-perl regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 1570-1] mariadb-10.0 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1571-1] firefox-esr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1572-1] nginx security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1573-1] firmware-nonfree security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1574-1] imagemagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1575-1] thunderbird security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1576-1] ansible security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1577-1] xen security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1578-1] spamassassin security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1579-1] openjpeg2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1580-1] systemd security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1581-1] uriparser security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1582-1] liblivemedia security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1583-1] jasper security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1584-1] ruby-i18n security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1585-1] ruby-rack security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1586-1] openssl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1587-1] pixman security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1590-1] openjdk-7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1591-1] libphp-phpmailer security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1592-1] otrs2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1593-1] phpbb3 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1594-1] xml-security-c security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1595-1] gnuplot5 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1596-1] squid3 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1597-1] gnuplot security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1598-1] ghostscript security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1599-1] qemu security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1600-1] libarchive security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1601-1] perl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1602-1] nsis security update [SECURITY] [DLA-1588-1] icecast2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA-1589-1] keepalived security update The last update was on 13:48 GMT Mon Jun 10. There are 42 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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