debian-lts-announce Nov 2017 by subject

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[SECURITY] [DLA 1151-2] wordpress regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 1153-1] icedove/thunderbird security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1158-1] bchunk security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1159-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1160-1] wordpress security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1161-1] redis security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1162-1] apr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1163-1] apr-util security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1164-1] mupdf security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1165-1] libpam4j security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1166-1] tomcat7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1166-2] tomcat7 regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 1167-1] ruby-yajl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1168-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1170-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1171-1] libxml-libxml-perl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1172-1] firefox-esr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1173-1] procmail security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1174-1] konversation security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1175-1] lynx-cur security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1176-1] ming security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1177-1] poppler security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1178-1] opensaml2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1179-1] shibboleth-sp2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1180-1] libspring-ldap-java security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1181-1] xen security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1182-1] ldns security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1183-1] samba security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1184-1] optipng security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1185-1] sam2p security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1186-1] xorg-server security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1187-1] openjdk-7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1188-1] libxml2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1189-1] python2.7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1190-1] python2.6 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1191-1] python-werkzeug security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1192-1] libofx security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1193-1] roundcube security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1194-1] libxml2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1195-1] curl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1196-1] optipng security update [SECURITY] [DLA 1197-1] sox security update [SECURITY] [DLA-1157-1] openssl security update [SECURITY] [DLA-1169-1] postgresql-common security update The last update was on 07:27 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 44 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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