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Re: Question about Debian live download please


lmqt771@proton.me wrote:
> wanted to make sure to download the one iso file with the most software.

Well, the biggest ISO for 64 bit x86 has about 50 GB and is available by
jigdo download via
This is not a Live ISO but an installation ISO, like netinst.
It contains the more popular half of the Debian package collection.

An all-in-one ISO of about 90 GB is possible by

There are also 25 GB and 16 GB ISOs

> I'm also pretty sure I need non-free firmware,
> but if I remember correctly that was added to the installer with the 12
> release? A bonus would be to select different DE or WM at install.

I see Gnome, KDE, and XFCE in debian-12.4.0-amd64-STICK16GB-1.jigdo. There
are probably more. But not fvwm, which i find only in BD-1 and DLBD-1.
So the 16 GB size would be insufficient for old people like me.

Have a nice day :)


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