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Bug#854004: Bug#818065: live-config / console-setup issue

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 04:10:35PM +0100, Jörn Heissler wrote:
> I had the same issue.
> Running a live-build image, nothing worked to setup the keyboard layout.
> I found out that my image contained /etc/console-setup/cached_* files.
> What really helped was adding a hook in live-build to remove those 
> files, before the image was built.

Can you send the output of

ls --full-time /etc/console-setup/cached* /etc/default/console-setup /etc/default/keyboard

If the times of the cached files are more recent than the times of the 
configuration files, then console-setup won't look at the configuration 
files at all.

I don't know how live-config works but isn't the script 
components/0150-keyboard-configuration (I am looking at the source 
package of live-config) supposed to edit /etc/default/keyboard?  And if 
this is so, then how it is possible for the cached files to be more 
recent than /etc/default/keyboard?

Anton Zinoviev

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