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Re: Can't mount CIFS

Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> I noticed that smbfs gets installed in the chroot, but doesn't
> mount.cifs still doesn't end up in the initrd image.

indeed, found the bug..

workaround: symlink
/usr/share/live-helper/examples/hooks/update-initramfs.sh into

proper fix:


sometime ago, we removed the manual update-initramfs call in
lh_chroot_hacks in order to optimize build-time. we only did the
update-initramfs there, in 99% of the cases uselessly (so we thought) as
a precaution because a lot of people are customizing the one or other
thing in the initramfs, but forget to regenerate it.

we therefore put notes that people should run update-initramfs manually
if they customize the initramfs (manually means, that live-helper is not
doing it automatically by itself; of course the proper way is to symlink
/usr/share/live-helper/examples/hooks/update-initramfs.sh into

now, since the initramfs gets prepared in lh_chroot_hacks for netboot,
and no update-initramfs is called, you'll not get mount.cifs (and some
other settings) into the initramfs.

really sorry about that, that should not have got unnoticed for so long.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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